SI Editor Format Menu - Font


In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Tag
    1. Name
  2. Font
    1. Font Size
    2. Foreground Colors
    3. Background Color
    4. Styles
    5. Attributes
    6. Default
    7. Default All
  3. Standard Windows Commands
  4. Additional Learning Tools
  5. Using This Feature
    1. Changing Fonts
    2. Resetting Fonts
  6. Technical Support Information



This Command can be executed from the Format menu and keyboard shortcut Alt+C.


Allows you to change the Font text for a specified tag.


Illustration Icon Indicating StopFormatting changes made from this dialog box are global changes, and will affect all SpecsIntact files in every Job and Master on your system, not just the file that is open when the change is made.  This function should be used with caution, and only by those with a thorough knowledge of SpecsIntact.  If you are uncertain about whether to use this function to format your documents, contact Technical Support before proceeding.  The settings will remain until either they are reset using the Default All command from within this dialog box, or until a newer version of the software is installed.


Illustration SI Editor's Format Menu - Font Topic



Select the name of the tag element to format (the tag that corresponds to the text will display in the Tag area).


Select the font to be used for the selected text element.  This is a global change that will be set as the new default for all occurrences of text within the specified tag in every .sed file of every Job.

Font Size

Select the character size for the selected font.  Inherited indicates the font size is inherited from the tagsSpecsIntact Tags are used to define key elements and attributes used control content and format as well as run processes and generate reports . These tags consist of an opening and closing tag. A tag -- either opening or closing, is used to mark the start or end of an element. Most tags consist of a beginning-tag <SEC> and ending tag </SEC>, but can also contain some empty-element tags such as <Page />. Tags are in which the selected tags are contained.  


Foreground Colors

From the list, select the new color for the text within the specified tag.

Background Color

From the list, select the new color for the background behind the text within the specified tag.


Select additional font styles (bold, underline, italic, strike through, subscript, or superscript)  to be used for the selected text element.


The Attributes feature is used by the software only in order to indicate when the fonts are inherited or persistent.  When unchecked, the fonts are inherited therefore, the font takes on the font style of the tag in which it is contained.  When checked, the fonts are persistent, and the font style is forced on any tag contained within it.


Returns the font to the SpecsIntact default for the text element selected (caution - this will not restoreA process used to bring back a backed-up Job, Master, or Supplemental Reference List from the specified location (Drive or other device) to the SpecsIntact system. inherited font relationships).

Default All

Returns all tags to the SpecsIntact default fonts.


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteIf you want to give individual occurrences of text the following attributes, use the corresponding tag:  Bold, Italic, Center, Underline, Superscript and Subscript.


Standard Windows Commands

Illustration SI Explorer's Dialog Box OK ButtonThe OK Button will execute and save selections made and make them partAll sections are divided into three parts: General, Products, and Execution. of your Job's properties.


Illustration SI Explorer's Dialog Box Cancel ButtonThe Cancel Button will close the dialog box without recording any selections or changes entered.


Illustration SI Explorer's Dialog Box Help ButtonThe Help Button will open the Help Topic for this dialog box.


Additional Learning Tools

Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsUsing This Feature

Changing Fonts

  1. From the SI Editor
  2. Select Format and choose Fonts
  3. From the Fonts window, select the Tag Name you

  4. Select OK

Resetting Fonts

  1. From the SI Editor
  2. Select Format and choose Fonts
  3. From the Fonts window, select Default All

  4. Select OK



Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of our User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes and Release Notes, and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or