SI Editor Right-Click Menus


The SI Editor's right-clickTo press the right button of a mouse and release it to open a menu menus provide shortcuts to many commonly used commands.  To use this feature, click the right mouse button and select a function from the menu displayed.


When right-clicking, the options available will be based on the on-going functions in the Editor at that time.


SI Editor's Main Right-Click Menus

Menu options that appear inactive require either cell(s), row(s), column(s) or text to be selected.  Click on the image menu option below to display details for each function.



No Selected Text


Selected Text

Illustration SI Editor's Right-Click Menu When No Text Is Selected   

Illustration SI Editor's Right-Click Menu When Text Is Selected


Formatted Table Right-click Menus

Hover Right-Click Menu


Menu options that appear inactive require either cell(s), row(s), column(s) or text to be selected.  Click on the image menu option below to display details for each function.


 Illustration SI Editor's Formatted Table Right-Click Menu When Hooverd Over a Cell  


Edit Mode


Menu options that appear inactive require either cell(s), row(s), column(s) or text to be selected.  Click on the image menu option below to display details for each function.


 Illustration SI Editor's Formatted Table Edit Mode Right-Click Menu


Navigator's Right-click Menus



 Drag and Drop

Illustration SI Eidtor's Navigator Right-Click Menu



Technical Support Information

Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of the User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable QuickStart Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes, and Release Notes and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or