SI Editor File Menu - Open


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Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Open Button


This command can also be executed from the Editor's Toolbar or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O.


Displays the Open dialog box that will allow you to browse to the file you want to open.  Multiple files can be opened within the Editor.


If you select a file that is not in the SpecsIntact (.sec) format, a 'File Not in SpecsIntact Format' dialog box will give you the opportunity to either open it in another word processing program or convert it to a .sec file.

Editor Convert / Open File

Illustration Editor's File Not In SpecsIntact Format Dialog












Only SpecsIntact .sec format files can be opened in the Editor.  The Editor's Open Command includes a utility for converting non-SpecsIntact files to .sec format.  When a file is selected to be opened that is not an .sec file, the File Not in SpecsIntact Format dialog box will give you the options of either editing without converting the file in Notepad, or converting it to the SpecsIntact Format.


Only ASCII files or files in the DOS SpecsIntact format will be converted properly.  Other types of files containing additional information (such as word processing files) will produce unpredictable results when converted.


You should open most types of text files (including Tagfix.log) in Notepad.  This files should not be converted into SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is a standard for defining generalized markup languages for documents. Defines structue and other attributes. Format.


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintTo learn more about converting Microsoft Word files into SpecsIntact .sec files, see the Knowledge Base Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) article.



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