SI Editor Toolbar Buttons


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Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar


Below is a list of commands available from the SI Editor's ToolbarToolbars assists the user in preparing and editing specifications by allowing quick access to commonly used commands. If you place your mouse pointer over any toolbar button, you will see a tool tip telling you the command associated with that button..  To customize the Toolbar, select the Toolbar Options Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Options Button located at the end of the Toolbar.


Toolbar Buttons & Keyboard Shortcuts




Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar New Button


Creates a new, unnamed file (This command is only available if the Editor has been opened from a Master or if the Editor is opened independently from Start > All Programs > SpecsIntact > Editor)


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Open Button


Opens a SectionA set of files within the Division of a Master or Job that covers specific aspects of construction..


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Save Button


Saves the active file


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Print Draft Button

Print Draft

Prints a draft copy of the active Section to default printer (draft printing includes what is visible on the screen, with no headers and footers)


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Undo Button


Reverses the last action, and can be repeated for multiple past actions



Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Redo Button


Reverses the last Undo, and can be repeated for multiple past actions


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Cut Button


Removes selected text and copies to the systems ClipboardThe Windows Clipboard is a temporary storage location for transferring information. Information is placed in the Clipboard through the cut or copy function, and will remain there until you clear the Clipboard, cut or copy another piece of information onto it, or exit Windows. (which can be inserted with the Paste command)



Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Copy Button


Copies selected text (which can be inserted with the Paste command)



Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Paste Button


Pastes at the cursor location text that has been copied or cut



SI Editor's Toolbar Delete Button


Removes the selected text without copying it to the Clipboard


SI Editor's Toolbar Find Button


Searches for specified text


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Find Tags Button

Find TagsSpecsIntact Tags are used to define key elements and attributes used control content and format as well as run processes and generate reports . These tags consist of an opening and closing tag. A tag -- either opening or closing, is used to mark the start or end of an element. Most tags consist of a beginning-tag <SEC> and ending tag </SEC>, but can also contain some empty-element tags such as <Page />. Tags are

Searches for specified Tags


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Replace Button


Searches for specified text and replaces it with new text


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Bracket Replacement Button

Bracket Replacement

Finds Brackets and identifies text options


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Find Next Button

Find Next

Continues the Search and Replace functions for other occurrences of specified text



Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Revisions Button

RevisionsThe Revisions command reveals or conceals Revisions that are tagged in the text. Text to be added is identified with underscoring and the Add Tags, <ADD> and </ADD> . Whereas text to be deleted, or Redlined, is identified with overstriking and the Delete Tags, <DEL> and </DEL>.

Enables or disables the Revisions function. When enabled, it automatically inserts strike-throughs surrounded by DEL Tags for text that is deleted, and green underscores surrounded by ADD Tags for text that is added
Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Show Tags Button

Toggle Tags View

Turns on and off the on-screen view capability for Tags


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Show Notes Button

Toggle Notes View

Turns on and off the on-screen view capability for Notes


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Show Revisions Button

Toggle Revisions View

Turns on and off the screen view capability for Revisions -- ADD (additions) and DEL (remove)


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Show Marks Button

Show Marks

Shows or hides non-printing characters


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Zoom In Button

Zoom In

Enlarges the size of the on-screen display


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Zoom Out Button

Zoom Out

Decreases the size of the on-screen display


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Change Case Button

Change Case

Allows the case of the letters for the selected text to be change in any of five ways


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Toggle Indentation Button

Toggle Indentation

Indents TXT, ITM, and LST tags to a default setting of -0.33


SI Editor's Toolbar Spell Check Button


Starts spelling checker


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Validate Button


The Editor will validate the document requirements before the file is saved and produce a Validation Log if any tagging or formatting rules have been broken


Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Promote Subpart Button


Promote Subparts to a higher level, such as promoting paragraphs to Article


SI Editor's Toolbar Help Button


Opens Editor Help



Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Customize Button



Customize the Toolbar by adding or removing Buttons


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintIf you need to know a Button's function as you are working in the Editor, place you mouse pointer over the Button to display the description.  This can be especially helpful as a reminder for identifying tags.


Additional Learning Tools

Illustration Icon Indicating eLearning ModulesWatch the SI Editor and Section Structure Overview eLearning Modules within Chapter 3 - Editing.



Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of our User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes and Release Notes, and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or