SI Explorer File Menu - Export Search Results List


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  1. Example of Exported Search Results for Contractor
    1. How to Export the Search Results List
  2. Technical Support Information



This command can be executed from the SI Explorer's File Menu and Right-click Menu.


This command allows you to export the search results of the last search performed on the Job or Master.  The exported SearchResults.htm file will be available in the SpecsIntact Explorer and will be located in the Job or MastersA group of standard Agency (Master) Guide Specifications used in the preparation of a Job. Exports folder.  


Once the file has been generated, it can either be opened with any Web Browser, imported into Microsoft Excel or emailed.  


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteSubsequent exports will overwrite the SearchResults.htm file therefore, if you want to keep the previous file, make a copy before performing this action again.  


Illustration Icon Indicating StopThe Search and Replace results are placed in a temporary subfolder called Result Files, located in the SI Explorer under the Job or Master folder.  This subfolder will remain only until SpecsIntact is closed.  The results of any subsequent Search and Replace in the same Job or Master will replace the previous results.  The files in this subfolder are your working copy and should not be deleted from this location.


Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedExample of Exported Search Results for Contractor

Illustration Example of  Exported Search Results

Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsHow to Export the Search Results List

Step 1:  Perform a Search:

  1. From the SpecsIntact Explorer, select the Job or Master you want to perform a Search

  2. From the File Menu, choose Search and Replace, or right-clickTo press the right button of a mouse and release it to open a menu on the Job or Master and choose Search and Replace

  3. When the Search and Replace window opens, place the cursor in the Search box and type the search term

  4. Below Search Options, check the options needed to perform the search

  5. Select the Search Button

  6. After reviewing the Occurrences Found message box, select OK

Step 2:  Export the Search Results List:

  1. After performing the initial Search, right-click on the Result Files subfolder and choose Export Search Results List

  2. From the Specify File Name for Search Results window opens, modify the File name, if necessary, and then select OK


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintIf this is a subsequent search, you will be warned that you are about to overwrite the file.



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