SI Explorer File Menu - Search and Replace


In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Search Options
    1. Ignore Lowercase/Uppercase
    2. Exclude Redlines
    3. Exclude Notes
    4. Search Whole Word
    5. Mark Revisions
    6. Find Files Without Search Term
  2. Search Button
  3. Replace Button
  4. Backup
  5. Using This Feature
    1. How to Search Text
    2. How to Perform a Secondary Search
    3. How to Search and Replace Text
  6. Technical Support Information



This command can be executed from the SI Explorer's File Menu and Right-click Menu.


This command allows you to search a Job, Master or selected Sections for the text or tag entered in the Search area.  When searching for tagsSpecsIntact Tags are used to define key elements and attributes used control content and format as well as run processes and generate reports . These tags consist of an opening and closing tag. A tag -- either opening or closing, is used to mark the start or end of an element. Most tags consist of a beginning-tag <SEC> and ending tag </SEC>, but can also contain some empty-element tags such as <Page />. Tags are, enter the tag including the angle brackets -- If you were searching for Reference Identifiers you would enter <RID>.  If you were searching for TailoringTagged elements <TAI> </TAI> inserted by the Master Specification writer to indicate specific elements within a specification in order to include or exclude various requirements either by agency or product, thereby pre-editing a guide specification to remove requirements that do not exist in the project and simplifying customization. Options you would enter <TAI (excluding the closing angle bracket).


In addition, the text (but not tags) can also be globally replaced with any other text entered in the Replace With area.  If you leave the Replace With area empty, and click the Replace Button, you can remove all instances of the text in the Find area.


The SectionA set of files within the Division of a Master or Job that covers specific aspects of construction. with results from your Search and Replace is placed in a temporary subfolder called Result Files, located in the SI Explorer under the Job or Master folder. This subfolder will remain only until SpecsIntact is closed. The results of any subsequent Search and Replace in the same Job or Master will replace the previous results in the subfolder.  Using this function, you can also conduct a secondary search on the Result Files subfolder. When executing a secondary search, make certain that the Result Files subfolder is selected, not the Job or Master folder.  


You can also perform any of the regular functions (such as drag-and-drop, open for editing or printing) on Sections located in the Result Files subfolder.  


If you want to search only selected Sections in a Job or Master, use the Sections > Search and Replace command.


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteSince the SI Explorer can search for text or tags, the search results may differ from the SI Editor's Find feature.  For example, often times the search term may be a Tailoring Option, therefore you must use the View Menu and choose Tailoring Options to see the text.


Illustration Icon Indicating StopThe Section with results from your Search and Replace is placed in a temporary subfolder called Result Files, located in the SI Explorer under the Job or Master folder.  This subfolder will remain only until SpecsIntact is closed.  The results of any subsequent Search and Replace in the same Job or Master will replace the previous results.  The files in this subfolder are your working copy and should not be deleted from this location.


Illustration Icon Indicating StopThe Replace function is permanent and cannot be reversed.  Using the BackupA process used to backup a Job, Master, Supplemental Reference List or Templates from the specified location (Drive or other device) Button to make a copy of your Job or Master before performing replacements is strongly advised.


SI Explorer's File Menu - Search and Replace

Search Options

Ignore Lowercase/Uppercase

Checking this box determines whether or not your results include text containing letters of different case than those you entered in the Find area.


Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedFor example, if you enter "tile" in the Find area and check this box, "TILE, Tile and tile" would all be found and/or replaced.  If you did not check this box, the results would match the case you entered, so this instance only 'tile" would be found and/or replaced.


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintDo not check when searching for tags, but type the three letter tag in uppercase.

Exclude Redlines

Checking this box when will ignore the text that has been deleted and surrounded by a set of DEL tags.

Exclude Notes

Checking this box will ignore the search term in the Find area if it is contained within a Note.

Search Whole Word

Checking this box controls whether your search term in the Find area is located only when it appears as a separate word, or if the results contain the term when it appears as partAll sections are divided into three parts: General, Products, and Execution. of a word. Check when searching for tags.  


Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedFor example, If you enter "tiles" in the Find area and check this box, your results will not contain any instance of "tile."  If this box is not checked, you can find multiple variations for the ending of a word.  For instance, if you entered "excava" in the Find area, your results would contain "excavate, excavation and excavating."

Mark Revisions

This option only pertains to the Replace function. If you want to use the Revisions function so that ADD and DEL tags are inserted for the results of your Replace action, check this box.


Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedFor example, if you check the box, enter "white" in the Find box, and "black" in the Replace with box, the text in the Sections would be tagged <DEL>white</DEL><ADD>black</ADD>.  If this box is not checked, the word "black" would appear in the text where "white" had been without revisionsThe Revisions command reveals or conceals Revisions that are tagged in the text. Text to be added is identified with underscoring and the Add Tags, <ADD> and </ADD> . Whereas text to be deleted, or Redlined, is identified with overstriking and the Delete Tags, <DEL> and </DEL>..

Find Files Without Search Term

When checked, this feature will locate Sections that do not contain the search term in the Find area.


Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedFor example, if you enter "SUBMITTALS" In the find area and check this box along with Ignore Lowercase/Uppercase, the results would display the Sections that do not contain a Submittal Article.

Search Button

Searches the Job or Master for the text in the Find area.

Replace Button

Replaces the text in the Find area with the text in the Replace with area.


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintIf you leave the Replace with area blank, it will replace


This option will Open the File Menu > Backup and Restore:  Restore command so you can back up the Job or Master prior to replacing the text throughout your Job or Master.


Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsUsing This Feature

How to Search Text

  1. From the SpecsIntact Explorer, select the Job or Master you want to perform a Search

  2. From the File Menu, choose Search and Replace, or right-clickTo press the right button of a mouse and release it to open a menu on the Job or Master and choose Search and Replace

  3. When the Search and Replace window opens, place the cursor in the Search box and type the search term

  4. Below Search Options, check the options needed to perform the search

  5. Select the Search Button

  6. After reviewing the Occurrences Found message box, select OK

How to Perform a Secondary Search

  1. After performing the initial Search, right-click on the Result Files subfolder and choose Search and Replace Again

  2. From the Search and Replace window, place the cursor in the Search area and type the search term

  3. Below Search Options, check the options needed to perform the search

  4. Select the Search Button

  5. After reviewing the Occurrences Found message box, select OK

How to Search and Replace Text

Illustration Icon Indicating CautionBefore performing replacements, we strongly recommend backing up the Job or Master.


  1. From the SpecsIntact Explorer, select the Job or Master you want to perform a Search

  2. From the File Menu, choose Search and Replace, or right-click on the Job or Master and choose Search and Replace

  3. From the Search and Replace window, place the cursor in the Search box and type the search term

  4. In the Replace with box, type the replacement text

  5. Below Search Options, check the options needed to perform the search

  6. Select the Replace Button

  7. After reviewing the Occurrences Found message box, select OK


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintAfter you have completed your Search, you have the option to Export the Search Results List.



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