SI Explorer Sections Menu - Tailor


In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Tailor Options
    1. Use Revisions
    2. Automatically Apply Check/Uncheck To Identical Tailoring Options In All Sections
    3. List of Tailoring Options
  2. Mark All
  3. Clear All
  4. Print
  5. Export
  6. Using This Feature
    1. How to Tailor Multiple Sections
    2. How to Tailor an Individual Section
  7. Technical Support Information



This command can be executed from the SI Explorer's File Menu, and Right-click Menu.


The Tailor Sections command will search for TailoringTagged elements <TAI> </TAI> inserted by the Master Specification writer to indicate specific elements within a specification in order to include or exclude various requirements either by agency or product, thereby pre-editing a guide specification to remove requirements that do not exist in the project and simplifying customization. Options in the selected Sections.  The Tailoring function is designed for pre-editing a SectionA set of files within the Division of a Master or Job that covers specific aspects of construction.(s) by agency or product in order to include (checked) or exclude (unchecked) requirements and will display the Sections that contain Tailoring Options.  Only the Sections containing Tailoring Options will be displayed in the Tailor Sections dialog box, and they will be selected by default (indicated by a check in the checkbox).  The check indicates the Tailoring Options exist in that Section(s).  If you wish to remove the Tailoring Options, then you must remove the check from the checkbox beside it.  Any Sections that remain checked will retain the Tailoring Options in their text.


Illustration SI Explorer's Section Menu - Tailor


Illustration Icon Indicating StopThe UFGS Master is tailored by agency (Army, NASA, Navy and Air Force), so it is important to Tailor the Section(s) when the Job or Master is created or a new Section is added by removing the non-applicable agencies.  Do not Tailor a Section after it has been edited, otherwise you may lose your edits.

Tailor Options

Use Revisions

When Use RevisionsThe Revisions command reveals or conceals Revisions that are tagged in the text. Text to be added is identified with underscoring and the Add Tags, <ADD> and </ADD> . Whereas text to be deleted, or Redlined, is identified with overstriking and the Delete Tags, <DEL> and </DEL>. is selected, the unchecked Tailoring option(s) will be identified with overstriking and surrounded by a set of DEL TagsSpecsIntact Tags are used to define key elements and attributes used control content and format as well as run processes and generate reports . These tags consist of an opening and closing tag. A tag -- either opening or closing, is used to mark the start or end of an element. Most tags consist of a beginning-tag <SEC> and ending tag </SEC>, but can also contain some empty-element tags such as <Page />. Tags are.


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteTo undelete a specific instance of a Tailoring Option, you must use the Editor's Undelete Redlined Revisions command.  

Automatically Apply Check/Uncheck To Identical Tailoring Options In All Sections

This function will automatically apply the Tailoring Option choices to all Sections, thereby eliminating the need to make repetitive selections.

List of Tailoring Options

Illustration SI Explorer's Sections Menu - Tailor


Displays the Tailoring Options by Section along with the number of occurrences within a set of parenthesis.

Mark All

Indicates you want to retain the Tailoring Options in all Sections.

Clear All

Indicates you want to remove the Tailoring Options in all Sections.


Prints the Tailoring Options List.


Executes the Exports Tailoring Options in order to produce a Web Format and/or Comma Delimited File.  Exporting the Tailoring Options List to a Web Format file is intended to provide the project team a form in which they can mark the Tailoring Options that will be excluded from the Job, Master or Section(s).


Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsUsing This Feature

How to Tailor Multiple Sections

  1. From the SpecsIntact Explorer

  2. From the right-pane, select the files

  3. Select the Sections Menu and choose Tailor Section, or right-clickTo press the right button of a mouse and release it to open a menu on the Section and choose Tailor

  4. From the Tailor Sections dialog box, check Use Revisions and Automatically apply check/uncheck to identical Tailoring Options in all Sections

  5. From the list, uncheck the Tailoring Options you want to remove

  6. Select OK

How to Tailor an Individual Section

  1. From the SpecsIntact Explorer

  2. From the right-pane, select a file

  3. Select the Sections Menu and choose Tailor Section, or right-click on the Section and choose Tailor

  4. From the Tailor Sections dialog box, check Use Revisions and Automatically apply check/uncheck to identical Tailoring Options in all Sections

  5. From the list, uncheck the Tailoring Options you want to remove

  6. Select OK



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