SI Editor Ordered List - Overview


In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Conversion of Manual Lists
    1. Lists that will not convert
  2. Alpha-Numeric Ordered Lists
  3. Using this Feature
    1. To Insert An Automatic Alpha-Numeric Ordered List:
    2. To Manage additional Alpha-Numeric Ordered List Levels:
  4. Technical Support Information



Conversion of Manual Lists

The SI Editor's Ordered List is designed to use the alternating alpha-numeric sequence and format in accordance with the Unified Facilities Guide Specsifications (UFGS) Format Standard UFC 1-300-02, Table A-1



The conversion process will transform as many manual lists that use the LST and ITM tags as possible to use ordered lists, which will then use the automatic alpha-numeric list.


Illustration Icon Indicating StopBefore converting, all SpecsIntact users must have SpecsIntact v5.3 or newer. Do not convert your Local Masters or Jobs unless all affected users have upgraded.  To learn more about converting Masters or Jobs to use the Ordered Lists, refer to the SI Explorer's Process Menu > Convert Manual Lists to Order Automatically topic.


Illustration Icon Indicating Related TopicsTo learn more about converting manual Ordered List, see the Process Menu Convert Manuall Lists to Order Automatically topic.


Lists that will not convert


Alpha-Numeric Ordered Lists

The multi-level alpha-numeric list will be surrounded by the Ordered List Group (OLG) tag, followed by a series of up to four levels of Ordered List (OLI) tags.  Not only will the list will reletter and renumber automatically but each level will also word wrap for correctly for each level.  

Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsUsing this Feature

To Insert An Automatic Alpha-Numeric Ordered List:

  1. From the SI Editor's TagsbarToolbars assists the user in preparing and editing specifications by allowing quick access to commonly used commands. If you place your mouse pointer over any toolbar button, you will see a tool tip telling you the command associated with that button., select the Ordered List button Illustration Ordered List Button



To Manage additional Alpha-Numeric Ordered List Levels:

  1. The cursor must be positioned at the end of the text, prior to the ending OLI tag

Illustration Step 1 Adding New Ordered List Levels

  1. Press the Enter key followed by F2 to insert the last tag used, this will continue the same level numbering.
  2. To increase the alpha-numeric list level place cursor between the OLI tags and press the Tab key

Illustration Step 2 Increase Ordered List Level

  1. To decrease the alpha-numeric list level place cursor between the OLI tags press Shit+Tab

Illustration Step 3  Decrease Ordered List Level


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteKeep in mind that once you have moved outside of the Ordered List and insert new tags, the F2 Key,will insert the last tag used.  When you return to re-edit an Ordereed List you will need to re-select the Ordered List button Illustration Ordered List Button on the SI Editor's Tagsbar or copy and paste the OLI Item above, and then delete the existing text.  This will reapply the list structure for you to continue editing.




Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of our User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes and Release Notes, and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or