SI Explorer Process Menu - Convert Manual Lists to Order Automatically


In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Example of Manual List with Item and List Tags
  2. Example of Automatic Ordered List
  3. Using this Feature
    1. How to convert a Job or Master to use Ordered Lists:
  4. Technical Support Information



This command can be executed from the SI Explorer's Process Menu.


This feature is used to convert lists that use the LST and ITM tags in either an entire Job, Master or Sections to use the alpha-numeric Ordered Lists, that will  renumber and re-letter automatically.


The conversionThere are three Conversion options within SpecsIntact. 1) Will convert files to XML format, which is the required file, format for SpecsIntact. 2) Will convert an existing Job or Master to use the Automatic Paragraph Numbering and 3) Will convert a Job or Master's manual lists to the automatic Ordered Lists. process will search for the lists that use a combination of LST and ITM tags as outlined in the UFGS Format Standard, UFC 1-300-02, Appendix A, to an automatic ordered list and will generate a Conversion Log  (SIListConvertLog.txt).  This log file will provide valuable information on ways to search the Job or Master for the lists that did not convert, so you can review the list to see if they need to be manually reformatted in order to use the new automatic alpha-numeric list. 


The automatic Ordered List will not only re-letter and renumber but will also word wrap each level.


Example of an Ordered List Group with tags hidden


Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedExample of Manual List with Item and List Tags

Illustration Manual Ordered List With Tags Visible



Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedExample of Automatic Ordered List

Illustration Automatic Multilevel Ordered List With Tags Visible



Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsUsing this Feature

How to convert a Job or Master to use Ordered Lists:

Illustration Icon Indicating StopIt is highly recommended that you Backup the Job or Master before converting.  If you have not backed up, you will be prompted in Step 3 below.


  1. From SI Explorer, select the Process Menu
  2. Select Convert Job/Master to Automatic Paragraph Numbering if you have backed up the Job or Master, proceed to Step 5
  3. From the Backup Project window,if you haven't backed up the Job, choose Backup now

    1. If you have backed up a Job previously, the backup location will be available and you can select OK

    2. If you have not backed up a Job before, refer to the Backup and Restore topic for instruction before proceeding.

  4. From Backup and Restore, select OK 

  5. When the Confirm File Operations window appears, select OK
  6. When the Converting Manually Ordered Lists window opens, make sure to read through the details and then select OK

Illustration of the SI Explorer's Process Menu - Convert Manually Ordered Lists

  1. From the Confirm Selections window, verify the selections are correct and then select OK
  2. If you receive the Section Lists Converted message, select Yes to open the SIAutoConvertLog.txt file



Illustration Icon Indicating StopThis Conversion Log (SIListConvertLog.txt) file is located in the Job or Master's Exported Files folder.



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