SI Editor Table Menu - Insert


In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Features
    1. Number of Columns
    2. Number of Rows
    3. Number of Header Rows
    4. Show Borders
    5. Border Style
  2. Other Features Available From the Insert Cascading Menu
    1. Row(s) Above Current Row(s)
    2. Row(s) Below Current Row(s)
    3. Column before Current Column
    4. Column After Current Column
  3. Standard Windows Commands
  4. Using this Feature
    1. To Insert A new Table , do the following:
    2. To Insert A Single Row or Column, Do the Following:
  5. Additional Learning Tools
  6. Technical Support Information



This command can be executed from the Editor's Table Menu and Toolbar.


Opens the Insert Table window to design a professional Formatted Table for organizing text and data into rows, columns and cells.  Tables are for displaying organized data in your SectionA set of files within the Division of a Master or Job that covers specific aspects of construction..


Illustration SI Editor's Table Menu - Insert



Number of Columns

Allows you to choose the number of columns needed to create a Formatted Table.

Number of Rows

Allows you to choose the number of rows needed to create a Formatted Table.

Number of Header Rows

Allows you to choose the number of rows needed to print at the top of each page of a Formatted Table when the table cannot fit on one page.

Show Borders

By default, the selected setting is set to 'Always.'  Choose whether the borders appear 'Only On Screen,' 'Only When You Print' or 'Never.'

Border Style

By default, the selected setting is set to Thin.  Choose whether the Border Style for the Formatted Table will be thin, medium or Thick.



Other Features Available From the Insert Cascading Menu

These features become available once the Formatted Table has been created to provide the capability to insert rows or columns, above or below the selected cell.


Row(s) Above Current Row(s)

Will Insert the same number of selected row(s) above the row(s) where the cursor is positioned.

Row(s) Below Current Row(s)

Will Insert the same number of selected row(s) below the row(s) where the cursor is positioned.


Column before Current Column

Inserts a new column before the column where the cursor is positioned.

Column After Current Column

Inserts a column to be inserted after the column where the cursor is positioned.



Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteUnlike inserting Rows, you can only insert one column at a time.


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintTo learn more, see the Table Tips and Tricks topic.


Standard Windows Commands

Illustration SI Explorer's Dialog Box OK ButtonThe OK Button will execute and save selections made and make them partAll sections are divided into three parts: General, Products, and Execution. of your Job's properties.


Illustration SI Explorer's Dialog Box Cancel ButtonThe Cancel Button will close the dialog box without recording any selections or changes entered.


Illustration SI Explorer's Dialog Box Help ButtonThe Help Button will open the Help Topic for this dialog box.


Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsUsing this Feature

To Insert A new Table , do the following:

  1. From the SI Editor's TagsbarThe Tagsbar is used by the SI Editor to assist the user in preparing and editing specifications by allowing quick access to commonly used tagging commands. If you place your mouse pointer over any toolbar button, you will see a tool tip telling you the command associated with that button., select the Formatted Table button  Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Formatted Table Button or select the Table Menu > Insert > Table.

  2. From the Insert Table window, below the Size section use the arrow keys to select the Number of columns, Rows and/or Header rows

  3. Below Borders, choose the border style you wish to use

  4. Select OK


To Insert A Single Row or Column, Do the Following:

  1. Use the SI Editor's Table Right-clickTo press the right button of a mouse and release it to open a menu Menu

  2.  Place your mouse over the cell within a row or column then right-click

  3. Choose Insert  and choose to either Insert Row Above/Below or Insert Column Before/After


Additional Learning Tools

Illustration Icon Indicating eLearning ModulesWatch the Formatted Tables eLearning Modules within Chapter 3 - Getting Started.




Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of our User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes and Release Notes, and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or