Submittal Verification


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  1. Submittal Verification Process
    1. Examples of Submittal Discrepancies
  2. Additional Learning Tools
  3. Technical Support Information



This command can be executed from the SI Explorer's File Menu >Process and Print/Publish > Reports tab.


The Submittal Verification Report (SUBMVER.RPT) lists Sections that do not cite Submittal Items in both the Submittal Article and elsewhere in the text, that cite invalid Classifications, or that contain Submittal Descriptions or Classifications outside the Submittal Article.  It also report Submittal Descriptions from the Sections' Submittal Article that differ from those found in the Submittal Procedures Section or that are missing from it.  The Job must contain the Submittal Procedures Section to produce this report.


Submittal Verification Process

  1. Checks that all Submittal Items appear both in the Sections' Submittal Article and also in the Sections' text.
  2. Generates a list of Submittal Items missing from either location (See Example A below).
  3. Checks that all Submittal Descriptions used in the Sections' Submittal Articles are also listed in the Job's Submittal Procedure Section.
  4. Generates a list of Submittal Descriptions missing from the Submittal Procedures Section (See Example B below).


Illustration Icon Indicating Examples ProvidedExamples of Submittal Discrepancies

Example A

Illustration Example of Submittal Verification Report Discrepancies


Example A - Correcting Submittal Verification Discrepancies:


Example B - Submittal Descriptions (SD)

Illustration Example of Submittal Verification Report Discrepancies


Example B - Correcting Submittal Verification Discrepancies:


Submittal Description (SD) Numbers used in the Job must be listed in the Job's 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures Section.



Example C - Duplicate Submittals

At this time, Duplicate Submittal Items will only appear in Masters.

Illustration Example of Submittal Verification Report Discrepancies


Example C - Correcting Duplicate Submittal Verification Discrepancies:



Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteThis report may accompany the Job if required by contract.


Additional Learning Tools

Illustration Icon Indicating Learning Guide SeriesTo learn more about Reports, their functions and how to correct the problems, refer to Chapter 6, in the QuickStart Guide found on the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center page.

Illustration Icon Indicating eLearning ModulesWatch the Submittal Verification Report eLearning Modules within Chapter 6 - Correcting QA Report Errors and Discrepancies.




Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of our User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes and Release Notes, and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or