SI Editor Edit Menu - Bracket Replacement


In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Replace Bracketed Text
    1. Select Item(s) to Replace Bracketed Text
    2. Replace
    3. Ignore
    4. Cancel
    5. Help
    6. Undo Last
    7. Show / Hide Details
    8. Show / Hide Details
    9. Replace Bracketed Text With
    10. Don't Move This Dialog Box
    11. Replace Deleted Characters with Spaces Inside Tables
    12. Occurrences, Found / Edited
    13. Pause After Each Change
  2. Using This Feature
    1. In order to Use the Bracket Replacement by selecting options, you must do the following:
    2. In order to Use the Bracket Replacement to enter new text, you must do the following:
  3. Technical Support Information



Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Bracket Replacement Button

This command can be executed from the Editor's Toolbar, Right-click Menu, or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B.


Provides an automated process for identifying bracketed options and selecting or filling in the option to be included in the specification.  Options not selected are removed, along with the brackets.

Replace Bracketed Text

Illustration Illustration of Bracket Replacment Dialog Box

Select Item(s) to Replace Bracketed Text

Lists the bracketed options for selection.

Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintIn order to choose multiple selections, click the first option, hold the Shift Key, then click the last option.  This will insert all the highlighted items and remove the brackets along with any options that were not selected.  Using the Ctrl Key and clicking an option will allow you to select non-sequential options, while deleting the brackets and options that were not selected.


Inserts the selected option(s) and deletes those not selected and all brackets.


Leaves the displayed options and brackets unchanged, and moves to the next occurrence of brackets in the SectionA set of files within the Division of a Master or Job that covers specific aspects of construction..



Closes the dialog box and returns to the Editor.


Opens the Help Topic.

Undo Last

Reverses the Bracket Replacement actions, one at a time, last replacement first (not available when using the checkbox for Pause After Each Change).

Show / Hide Details

Controls the display of the following additional functions:

Show / Hide Details

Controls the display of the following features:

Replace Bracketed Text With


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteThe New Text, Below option works best when inserting smaller amounts of text.  It is recommended to insert larger amounts of text when performing normal edits.

Don't Move This Dialog Box

The screen position of the dialog box will remain fixed when this box is checked, even if it covers the selected bracketed options in the Section.  When this box is unchecked, the dialog box will move with each occurrence to allow you to see the location of the bracketed options within the Section text.

Replace Deleted Characters with Spaces Inside Tables

This applies to the "Unformatted Tables" and will not change the way "Formatted Tables" are handled.  In an Unformatted Table, when selected, this option will replace any character deleted from a table during bracket replacement with a space, in order to preserve table layout.

Occurrences, Found / Edited

A counter that tracks the number of sets of bracketed options that have been located since the function was activated, and the number that were edited.  The counter resets when the dialog box is closed (including when the Pause After Each Change check box is used).

Pause After Each Change

When selected, remains in the same cursor location and closes the Replace Bracketed Text dialog box after the action has been performed, without moving to the next occurrence.  This allows the user to remain in the same area and continue editing.


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintThe Occurrences counter is not available when using this option.


When unselected, this feature will continue to cycle through each bracketed option found in the Section.


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteTo continue to find subsequent occurrences, use the F3 key or the Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Find Next Buttonbutton on the Editor's Toolbar.


Illustration Icon Indicating StopUsing Bracket Replacement within Formatted Tables will not delete empty rows and/or columns when all the bracketed options are removed.  Use the Table Menu to Delete empty rows and/or columns.

Add Hyperlink


Illustration Icon Indicating How To StepsUsing This Feature

In order to Use the Bracket Replacement by selecting options, you must do the following:

  1. From the Editor, select the Replace Bracket Button on the ToolbarToolbars assists the user in preparing and editing specifications by allowing quick access to commonly used commands. If you place your mouse pointer over any toolbar button, you will see a tool tip telling you the command associated with that button., or right-clickTo press the right button of a mouse and release it to open a menu and choose Bracket Replacement
  2. From the Replace Bracketed Text dialog box, begin by selecting the Show Details Button (Only done once)
  3. Under Occurrences, select Pause After Each Change
  4. Under Select Item(s) to Replace Bracketed Text, select one or more of the listed options
  5. Select the Replace Button


Illustration Icon Indicating Important Information To NoteIf you do not want to keep any of the listed bracketed options, do not make select any of the options under the Select Items(s) to Replace Bracketed Text box, then choose the Replace Button.  This will remove all the text and brackets.


In order to Use the Bracket Replacement to enter new text, you must do the following:

  1. From the Editor, select the Replace Bracket Button on the Toolbar, or right-click and choose Bracket Replacement
  2. Under Select Item(s) to Replace Bracketed Text, select the underscore so it is highlighted
  3. Under Replace Bracketed Text With, select New Text, below
  4. Enter the text you want to replace
  5. Select the Replace Button



Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of our User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes and Release Notes, and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or