SI Editor View Menu - Revisions


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Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar View Revisions Button

This Command can be executed from the Editor's Toolbar or keyboard shortcut  Alt+R.


Allows you to show or hide Revisions within the Editing Window of a SectionA set of files within the Division of a Master or Job that covers specific aspects of construction..  Since RevisionsThe Revisions command reveals or conceals Revisions that are tagged in the text. Text to be added is identified with underscoring and the Add Tags, <ADD> and </ADD> . Whereas text to be deleted, or Redlined, is identified with overstriking and the Delete Tags, <DEL> and </DEL>. are the default setting for new JobsA group of projects., they will be turned on and visible while editing.  The feature allows the user to see the text that has been added and deleted.  Hiding Revisions can be helpful when checking the formatting of a Section.


Illustration Icon Indicating Helpful HintDo not use revisions for correcting formatting issues such as deleting or adding hard returns or spaces.  Only text changes should be marked with Revisions.


If you need to modify the Jobs Properties, From the SI Explorer's File > Properties > Options Tab.


Illustration Icon Indicating StopRevisions are required for all government projects and should always remain on and visible while editing a Section.



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