Tag Attributes


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  1. Increase or Decrease Ordered List Indent
  2. Indent Text, List or Item
  3. Justify
  4. Style
  5. Hyperlink
  6. Technical Support Information



The attributes command is available by right-clicking when the cursor is positioned between either a Text (TXT), List (LST), Item (ITM) , Ordered List OLI or Universal Resource Locator (URL) tag.  It provides the following options:


Increase or Decrease Ordered List Indent

The indents within an Ordered List Group (OLG) utilizes the Tab key to increase the indent and Shift+Tab to decrease the indent.


Illustration Icon Indicating Rick-Click Menu


Indent Text, List or Item

Illustration SI Editor's Tag Attribute Topic


The Toggle Indentation Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Toggle Indentation Button, Indented List Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Indented List Button, Indented Item Illustration SI Editor's Toolbar Indented Item Button buttons on the Editor's Toolbar has a default value of -0.33.  When any other size indention is desired, use this function (or the Format > Indentation Amount menu command).  Enter the numeric value desired for the indented Text, List, or Item.


To modify the justification of a specific tag choose left, right or center.


To modify the style of a specific tag, choose Bold  Illustration Si Editor's Toolbar HL3 Bold Button, Italic Illustration Si Editor's Toolbar HL2 Italics Button, or Underline Illustration Si Editor's Toolbar HL1 Underlines Button.  These attributes are also available on the Editor's Toolbar.

Illustration SI Editor's Tag Attributes - Specify Hyperlink


The Specify Hyperlink option is only available when the cursor is positioned between URL tags.  It opens the specify URL dialog box in which you can type or browse for a hyperlink, target document or website.



Users are encouraged to visit the SpecsIntact Website's Help Center for access to all of our User Tools, including eLearning Modules (video tutorials), printable Guides, Knowledge Base containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Technical Notes and Release Notes, and Web-Based Help.  For additional support, contact the SpecsIntact Technical Support Desk at (321) 867-8800 or KSC-SpecsIntact@mail.nasa.gov.